Friday, August 14, 2015

Business Plan (full assigment) Yugo’s Tea company

Tea original Business Plan
Yugo’s Tea company

Executive summary

Yugo’s tea company is one of the mutual tea in the world, with special tea and famous in world market, why I made this company, because I want to create my dream, since still student in senior high school until now, I tried to established this company, supported by my family and my friend to made new innovation in the world, and was established in Kalianda city in 2006. There are 3 kind of product we have, such as: yuu tea, cold tea, dream tea. This is the best products especially dream tea, because if you try to drink this tea, in every drop of tea has taste to make consumers be fresh and in other function dream tea can cure all disease in our body be healthy with secret composition to make costumer satisfied after drink this tea , why I give name dream tea, because I think that all costumer when they drink tea, they will drink and drink again, and the name is so simple to make costumer remember this product. Then dream is symbol that this product is dream of costumer who have high taste to be more enjoy after drink of tea itself.

            I as the owner have three manager there are manager for marketing, for finances, and for production.

·         For marketing manager, I choose Ms. Hj Chaterine Molane, SE, why I choose her, because I think that ms, chaterine has quality to do this job as marketing manager. And I belief ms. Chaterine can do.
·         For manager of finance, I choose ms.. Hj Ani W, SE. why I choose her, because I think that ms. Ani proven to be arrange financial in my company,
·         For manager of production, I choose Mr. Alamsyah, why I choose him, because I know him, when I was child until now, he can take good attitude in everything, so I belief that mr. alamsyah can do this job.

First time, when I try to establish this company, I need many budget, until Rp.500.000.000, to establish, get machine and receive employee who able to work hard in this company.

Table of content

                               I.            Company description

                            II.            Products/services

                         III.            Market Analysis

                         IV.            Marketing plan

                            V.            Operation plan

                         VI.            Management

                      VII.            Appendices                                                                   

I.                   Company description

            First time, begin from habitual in my family, so I think sometime, I must have one company and move toward produce tea with high quality, after I am graduate from school of foreign language Teknokrat, my father belief with me to try establish what I want as place where I work to be success, then I try to work hard, because this is became debit of heart who given from my family to make better life. I’m almost bankrupt when I try to marketing this product, but after that I’m learn from mistake that happen. So our company learns to be success.
Until nowadays.
1.      Name of company                  : Yugo’s tea company
2.      Type Products                        : Tea bag and bottle
3.      Company address                  : jl. Mawar No.46 South Lampung
4.      Phone number                        : 0721 (769 3344), 0721 (756 9987)
5.      E-mail                                     :
6.      Company Bank                      : BCA
7.      First established                     : 2004

·         CV. THE OWNER
1.      Name                                      : Yugo Pradana Amrur Ridho
2.      Position                                  : President Director
3.      Place and Date of birth          : Teluk Betung, july 21 1989
4.      Address                                  : Jl. Kemajuan No.11 New Jersey
5.      Phone number/Hp                  : (0721) 889 1111/ 085758883159
6.      E-mail                                     :
7.      Graduate                                : S3 Oxford University

·         Structure Organization
Yugo Pradana A.R
President Director
All employees
Chaterine Molane
Ani W

Deputy director

·         Plan in the future
After getting of the best product in our country, we try to sell in foreign country to penetrate market international.

·         Kinds of product we produce                : Tea Bag and tea bottle
Characteristic of product                        : safe for all age and genre
·         This products has different with other product, because if the consumer try to drink this tea, so consumer get the special taste, and one of our product have special composition for body to be better because this product can help consumer to cure all disease in our body be healthy with secret composition to make costumer satisfied after drink this tea.
·         Usually our company to sell or offering the product by truck if offering many products, and motorcycle to offering products in small shop.

Market analysis

·         There are so many obstacle  to offering this product
1.      Distribution
Now, obstacle to offer the products are very hard, main problem is condition of way. So, there is  accident like: car, product, or driver. From this statement, we can conclude that if there is problem, so must add the special budget for the accident.
2.      Government regulation
Government regulation also is the obstacle for offering the product, because at this time there is tax in every product which has produce. So that means our company must pay more to to produce the product, then beside that, if we going to other province, we must pay with police who usual stop the vehicle in every morning and afternoon, and also when our car will be in border on of province.
3.      Technological opportunity
Our company in made or produce products using high technology. For all consumer do not worry about quality inside this products.
4.      Characteristic and trends
Every product which we produce, we try to make new trend, in order to can compete with competitor
 Request market for our product with increase after got decrease in previous time, now the request of market around 7.500.000 of society, especially in Indonesia want to buy this product as consumers and for sell. With request until 50.000.000 bottle/years.
With the average Rp.,-/years. It means totally for seller the product got 20% market. We hope our company got 50% market Indonesia.

                                                                            Projection of market

In billion
rupiah           150

                                           2006           2007           2008           2009

            With the assumption increasing sell product until 50%/years with the request more than 100.000.000 bottle/ years, so we can add employee, total capacity of product, increase distribution of offering products, change marketing strategy.


Marketing plan
Developing product
            Change design with new mode and trend at the time and also quality to support inside product,

Developing marketing area
            Our company has plan for probe export to Malaysia and attend marketing until market international.
1.      Disposal promotion
Sample products
Discount / give voucher
Product guaranty
2.      Advertisement
Advertisement in mass media and electronic
Leaflet with price
Sponsor in sport or others
3.      Personal selling
Presentation selling

The price adaptable with condition of economic in society from lower class to upper class

Operation plan
·         When we want to establish this building, there are many problem we have.
1.      Letter permission
2.      Look for the main material to choose place production near main material
·         When we already established and we produce the product, we have obstacle to offering the product,
1.      Competitor
Is the main problem to offering the product, because our product is new product in market Indonesia.

·         This time is my area, because I who choose staff and employee to work in my company.





                                                                Jl. Lintas Sumatra

                                                                Jl. w



                                                                            Jl 85

Financial plan
Details of sales forecast
Yugo’s tea company

                                                                            Jan 2006
a.       Revenue
Disposal revenue                   
Loan revenue
b.      Variable
Basic material (tea)                                         
Other material                                                 
Salary labour                                                   
Transportation (offering product)                   
Salary chief                                                     
Salary Staff                                                     
Maintenance Cost                                           
Marketing expenditure                                    
Equipment in office
Electricity, water, phone

c.       Variable
Basic material (tea)                                         
Other material                                                 
Salary labour                                                   
Transportation (offering product)                   
d.      Fixed cost
Salary chief                                                     
Salary Staff                                                     
Maintenance Cost                                           

e.       Cost administration
Marketing expenditure                                    
Equipment in office
Electricity, water, phone



Yugo Pradana A.R
President Director
All employees
Chaterine Molane
Ani W

Deputy director

1.      Name                                      : bilal
Position                                  : Deputy Director
Age                                        : 60 years
Graduate                                : S3 UNPAD

2.      Name                                      : Miyabi
Position                                  : Secretary
Age                                        :27 years
Graduate                                : D2

3.      Name                                      : Chaterine Molane
Position                                  : staff MArketing
Age                                        : 24 years
Graduate                                : S1 UNILA

4.      Name                                      : Ani W
Position                                  : Staff Finance
Age                                        : 24 years
Graduate                                : S1 STAN

5.      Name                                      : Alamsyah
Position                                  : Staff Production
Age                                        : 26
Graduate                                : Senior high School

6.      Name                                      : cucu
Position                                  : warehouse
Age                                        :35 years
Graduate                                : Senior High School

7.      Name                                      : Ali
Position                                  : distribution
Age                                        :28 years
Graduate                                : S1 TEKNOKRAT

Before  I accept the employees, I am already to selection them, then I choose them as the employees, because they have qualify to work hard and develop our company.


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