Friday, August 14, 2015

Business Plan (Assigment)

Tea original Business Plan
Yugo’s Tea company

Executive summary

Yugo’s tea company is one of the mutual tea in the world, with special tea and famous in world market, why I made this company, because I want to create my dream, since still student in senior high school until now, I tried to established this company, supported by my family and my friend to made new innovation in the world, and was established in Kalianda city in 2006. There are 3 kind of product we have, such as: yuu tea, cold tea, dream tea. This is the best products especially dream tea, because if you try to drink this tea, in every drop of tea has taste to make consumers be fresh and in other function dream tea can cure all disease in our body be healthy with secret composition to make costumer satisfied after drink this tea , why I give name dream tea, because I think that all costumer when they drink tea, they will drink and drink again, and the name is so simple to make costumer remember this product. Then dream is symbol that this product is dream of costumer who has high taste to be more enjoyed after drink of tea itself.

            I as the owner have three manager there are manager for marketing, for finances, and for production.

·         For marketing manager, I choose Ms. Hj Chaterine Molane, SE, why I choose her, because I think that ms, chaterine has quality to do this job as marketing manager. And I belief Mrs. Chaterine can do.
·         For manager of finance, I choose Mrs.. Hj Ani W, SE. why I choose her, because I think that ms. Ani proven to be arrange financial in my company,
·         For manager of production, I choose Mr. Alamsyah, why I choose him, because I know him, when I was child until now, he can take good attitude in everything, so I belief that Mr. alamsyah can do this job.

First time, when I try to establish this company, I need many budget, until Rp.500.000.000, to establish, get machine and receive employee who able to work hard in this company.

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